Menu not expanding when appending items


On a project ( I am adding dynamically menu items to a popup menu. (using gtk_menu_shell_append() and gtk_menu_shell_insert() in certain case)

It works nice on awesome wm and xfce (at least on Gentoo, I don't know if it's distro related, probably not) -> the menu gets nicely expanded right away with the newly appended items, no need to scroll.

On KDE or Gnome on fedora 17: the menu does not expand, so only one item is shown, and you need to scroll to see the other ones.
See the screenshot:

Setting vexpand/hexpand to TRUE on the menu did not helped either.

Playing with gtk_widget_set_size_request() fixed somehow the issue a bit but it sounds weird that it's up to the app to tell about that menu resize. To me, it sounds it should be automatic as it is said here:

What could be wrong? Is there a specific setting to tweak?

The debug output for this menu poping-up:



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