Aligning ToolItem To Right in Toolbar

Hello folks,
I'm currently diving into developing Gtk applications with Vala (which I'm just starting to learn as well). 
At this moment in time, I have created a couple ToolItem(s) that are properly inserted into my Toolbar(). 
This Toolbar() is within a Grid() and set to expand horizontally (set_hexpand(true)).
As my Pastebin (link below) shows, the second (exampleGlobalMenuContainer) ToolItem is left aligned, which is 
completely understandable as it hasn't been set to do otherwise.

My question is, how on earth do I set it (the exampleGlobalMenuContainer ToolItem) to horizontally align to 
the right? I looked into using set_halign to GTK_ALIGN_END and was contemplating using margin-left (although 
I'd have to have an event listener that'd evaluate the window width and change the margin-left otherwise).
What would the appropriate method be to align the ToolItem? Have a second grid within the ToolBar and use 
Thanks a bunch!
- Joshua Strobl                                           

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