using an IconView inside a Menu (or MenuItem) is it even possible?

Hoping the question in the subject does not seem very stupid... is there
a hack around that?? 

I would like to accomplish something like this: a content window with a
button ("|*|" on the mock-up) that pops up a menu (sort like Epiphany
Web Browser or Google Chrome)
| Window Title                                 |x|
|| Label | Other Label                       |*|||
|+=======+ +------------------------------------+|
| |Label | | Some content here...               ||
| +------| |                                    ||
| |Label | |                                    ||

And when click on the "|*|" button a pop-up menu shows up like this:

| Window Title                                 |x|
|| Label | Other Label                       |*|||
|+=======+ +----------+======================+ |+|
| |Label | | Some cont| +----+  +----+  +----+ |||
| +------| |          | |    |  |    |  |    | |||
| |Label | |          | +----+  +----+  +----+ |||
                      | +----+  +----+  +----+ |
                      | |    |  |    |  |    | |
                      | +----+  +----+  +----+ |
I hope is not un-understandable.

Best regards

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