Re: Updating GUI during long operation

On Sat, 20 Apr 2013 09:10:11 -0700
Kip Warner <kip thevertigo com> wrote:

Hey list,

I have a separate thread from the main loop that performs some long
and resource intensive operation. The GUI displays an animated GIF
while this process takes place via Gdk.PixbufAnimation. 

Sometimes the animation and the rest of the GUI is very slow to
repaint and respond to other event messages. What is the best way of
giving the message pipeline a breather every now and then from
outside of the main thread?

I was using GObject.idle_add(self._updateGUI, ...) within the worker
thread to specify a function to be called regularly that could provide
some other GUI related update tasks, including the following within

        # Pump the Gtk+ event handler...
        while Gtk.events_pending():

However, my application will crash if I do this with a stack overflow
within updateGUI. I'm assuming that since idle_add posted the message
to call the updateGUI callback, when the callback is invoked and
tries to pump the message pipeline, the method is invoked again
because it still hasn't cleared itself from the queue.

I could have tried this aforementioned event pump from outside the
updateGUI callback and done it from within the worker thread, but I
didn't know if that was thread safe to do.

If you have a main loop running, this is completely unnecessary, unless
you are doing something to block the loop, which you shouldn't do.


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