gtk_tree_view/store, best way to select all nodes of a branch

Dear all,

I am currently searing for the best method to perform an action on one nodes of a branch in a treestore.
At the moment the user just selectes one row of my treeview, so I have to determine if this node is part of a 
branch and then selecting all other nodes of the branch.

I found some functions which might be helpfull for that, like

gtk_tree_selection_select_range ()
gtk_tree_selection_selected_foreach ()

But so far I didn't find any function which helps me to do what I want.
I always come to the point where I have either to walk through my treestore "manually" by iter_next etc.
or I have to write some code which examines the gtktreepath string.

It would be good, if I can use wildcards on the treepath, eg:
now I want to select 2:* or 2*

I am just wondering if there is no better support for this, because I think to perform actions on all childs 
is a common use case.
For example if you look to a file browser and it's copy function, it copies the current node and in case this 
node is a directory entry
all child nodes also have to be copied.

Do you have any hint for me?


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