Re: Toggle button which enables GtkTextTag

  Here is my code:

It's work on selection, but don't work as switch for "bold mode". Please
help me. What i need to do?

p.s. If you know applications that got same behavior, tell me about it.
I was searched in pidgin, but his source too big.

Ð ÐÑ., 08/11/2012 Ð 00:10 +0400, Vlasov Vitaly ÐÐÑÐÑ:
I created TextView with TextBuffer with TextTagTable, filled by my
TextTag's and ToggleButton.

With ToggleButton i want enable "mytag" mode. Button must work as like
in LibreOffice Writer. When i activate "bold mode" printing text will be
bold. And, if i disable "bold mode" printing text will be not tagged.

So, my pseudo-code ToggleButton activate callback:

GtkTextIter start;
GtkTextIter end;

gint cursor_offset;

  ... working code
else /* Enable my_tag mode here */
   g_object_get(text_buff, "cursor-position", &cursor_offset, NULL);
   gtk_text_buffer_get_iter_at_offset(text_buff, &start, cursor_offset);
   gtk_text_buffer_apply_tag_by_name(text_buff, "mytag", &start, &end);

It does not work. Printing text still untagged.
I am on right way?
How to make this button?

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