Re: building a modular interface

libgdl is EXACTLY what i wanted to do. after looking at ajunta it's perfect.

looks like gnome team is handling it now as well

I can't see it a gtk3 version of python-gdl for debian so i think i'm
out of my league on this.

On 27 March 2012 15:39, Tristan Van Berkom <tvb gnome org> wrote:
On Tue, Mar 27, 2012 at 2:10 PM, Lachlan <lachlan 00 gmail com> wrote:
On 27 March 2012 14:39, Tristan Van Berkom <tvb gnome org> wrote:

First, please dont bluntly use a single Glade file to define your
entire interface.

I'll attach here the same tarball which I attached a couple months ago
here for demonstration:

With the approach described in the attached tarball, you can simply
bootstrap your composite widgets into types directly so that when
you create an instance it already has it's interface sub-components
created. (such as a "preferences dialog" or "item editor widget" or
"user status thingy" or whatever is relevant for your application).
Thanks, grabbed that to look through now. I haven't done more than
notifications or config menus before so it's all new to me.

This is a little orthogonal to optional viewing of sub-components of your
application, typically we control what components of an application are
visible via the "View" menu, and we load/save this state along with any
relevant session data (possibly to a GKeyFile)
I don't really want to just turn widgets on or off but just trying to
find away to make vast changes to ui using something simple like a
conf file. although i should learn to walk before running by the looks
of it.
For an idea, there exists a library called gdl (gnome docking library), I'm not
sure how maintained/current it is, it was used by Anjuta IDE (not sure if
Anjuta is still using/maintaining that).

The docking library exposed special widgetry that allows the user to place
portions of the user interface into Paned windows, Notebook Tabs, or floating
separately as separate toplevel windows, then that library would serialize
the current state into some kind of session data (so that a user could view the
Anjuta IDE in their own preferred setup).

I think your use case seems to be different but the general idea the same:
optionally show portions of a ui, and optionally show them in different
configurations, and allow loading/saving of current configurations.

However, you might consider using libgdl directly (not sure if it's ported
to GTK+3 but that shouldn't be too hard to accomplish...), since that seems
to be a more user friendly way to allow users to configure an application
than demanding that they edit a configuration file by hand.... but I'm not
entirely clear on what your requirements are...


thanks for this.
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