Re: memory lead while using Glib regexp

Il giorno Fri, 2 Mar 2012 11:00:46 +0800 (CST)
"Xi Yang" <jiandingzhe 163 com> ha scritto:

Hi, everyone!

I use Glib's regular expression in a cycle, and find a rapid memory consumption increase. Did I forget to 
release anything?

Thanks a lot!

A working example would be better. Anyway, citing the g_regex_match()

"Note that if match_info is not NULL then it is created even if the
function returns FALSE, i.e. you must free it regardless if regular
expression actually matched."

        // match and fetch something
        if ( g_regex_match(regex_illumina, seq.header.c_str(), GRegexMatchFlags(0), &what) ) {
            tile_str = g_match_info_fetch(what,3);
        else if ( g_regex_match(regex_casava_1p8, seq.header.c_str(), GRegexMatchFlags(0), &what) ) {
            tile_str = g_match_info_fetch(what,5);

If your first g_regex_match() fails you have a sharp leak.


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