Re: How do I fix the window size?

On 5 June 2012 12:50, Ferdinand Ramirez <ramirez ferdinand yahoo com> wrote:

--- On Tue, 6/5/12, James Tappin <jtappin gmail com> wrote:

I think the solution is to place the treeview in a gtk_scrolled_window
rather than using an hbox and an explicit scrollbar.

The reason for trying out with an explicit hbox is that the column headers
scroll out of view with a gtk_scrolled_window.

I'm puzzled as it doesn't do that in my RPN calculator stack and registers
display. This uses a list model (i.e. no sub-rows).  Here are the key bits
of code (in Fortran 2003 -- I'm not a C programmer).

The list creator function:

  function hl_gtk_listn_new(scroll, ncols, types, changed, data, multiple,&
       & width, titles, height, swidth, align, ixpad, iypad, sensitive, &
       & tooltip, sortable, editable, colnos, edited, data_edited)

    type(c_ptr) :: list
    type(c_ptr), intent(out) :: scroll
    integer(kind=c_int), intent(in), optional :: ncols
    integer(kind=type_kind), dimension(:), intent(in), optional :: types
    ! Create the storage model
    model = gtk_list_store_newv(ncols_all, c_loc(types_all))

    ! Create the list in the scroll box
    scroll = gtk_scrolled_window_new(C_NULL_PTR, C_NULL_PTR)
    call gtk_scrolled_window_set_policy(scroll, GTK_POLICY_AUTOMATIC, &
    list = gtk_tree_view_new_with_model(model)
    call gtk_container_add(scroll, list)

And in the calculator itself:

  ! Registers.
  jbase = hl_gtk_box_new()
  idx = hl_gtk_notebook_add_page(mstabs, jbase, &
       & label="Registers"//c_null_char)
  fmemory = hl_gtk_listn_new(smemory, changed=c_funloc(memsel), &
       & height=300, titles= (/ "Index"//c_null_char, "Value"//c_null_char
/), &
       & types = (/ g_type_int, g_type_double /))
  call hl_gtk_listn_set_cell_data_func(fmemory, memcol, &
       & func=c_funloc(show_list), data=c_loc(memcol))
  call hl_gtk_box_pack(jbase, smemory)

I hope that this will at least give some clues as to how the bits fit

P.S. hl_gtk_* routines are Fortran routines that bundle settings together
and use Fortran's optional argument system to hide much of the complexity
of the raw gtk_* calls.

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