Re: Identifying a structure by reading it's first field.

On Sat, 02 Jun 2012 00:04:18 -0400
Ernie Wright <erniew comcast net> wrote:
On 6/1/2012 2:17 PM, Osmo Antero wrote:

I have couple of C structures that I want to distinguish between by
reading the structures' first (type) field.  [...]

Q:  Can I assume that the "type" field is always first in the
structures, so I can read it with: NodeType type = *(NodeType*)node;

Yes.  Structure members are stored in the order in which they're
defined, and a pointer to a structure also points to its first member
(suitably cast).  This is guaranteed by the C standards.

but can I trust it on all *nix plattforms and GCC compilers.

Anything that's standards-compliant.


You are probably also interested in the strict aliasing rule, as well
as alignment.  If not, you ought to be, as the strict aliasing rule
does not permit casting a pointer from one type to a different type and
then dereferencing the pointer pointing to that different type, except
in certain defined circumstances (one of which is that you can always
cast to char* and dereference, and another of which is that you can
always cast back to the original type and dereference). This is an
alarmingly often overlooked rule.

As it happens, your proposed cast is permitted as an exception to the
strict aliasing rule (C99 6.5/7, fifth bullet), to allow the poor man's
inheritance in C that you seem to be implementing, and which is used for
example by GObject.

In a different posting on this list, you seemed to indicate you were
using C++.  If so, you would be better off either using the C++ typeid
system with a virtual method, or use templates with partial
specialization.  The compiler will then do all the work for you in a
less error-prone way.


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