Re: Examples of ComboBox using an explicit model?

On 31 July 2012 00:12, James Tappin <jtappin gmail com> wrote:

I am currently trying to implement combobox cell renderers in the
high-level gtk-fortran code. Unfortunately unlike "normal" comboboxes where
there is the convenience type of GtkComboBoxText this is not available for
cell renderers.

I have hunted for examples of a working combobox that uses an explicit tree
model without any success. Does anybody on this list have such an example
(or even better, of a CellRendererCombo) that they would be willing to

You can have a look at the cell renderer I implemented for Libgda, cf

This cell renderer displays a text, along with a down pointing triangle
which, when clicked, displays a combo box.

Hope this helps you,


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