Re: Implementing a custom signal with PyGObject

Hi Simon,

the problem was actually in my code and not in GObject or Gtk, what i
posted is working.
thanks for pointing out the problem of multiple inheritance from GObject
and Gtk.Button, it was just a try to see if it changes anything.

thank you,

Am Freitag, den 06.07.2012, 14:59 -0700 schrieb Simon Feltman:
Hi Moritz,
A good thing to do would be to pair your example down into something
runnable from a console without any dependencies except GObject and
Gtk if possible. Anyone helping will have to do this anyway in order
to observe the problem. However, something that immediately stuck out
in the code, and I'm not sure if it's a problem, is deriving from both
Gtk.Button and GObject.GObject. I don't think this is needed because
GObject is already a parent class of Gtk.Button.


On Fri, Jul 6, 2012 at 9:26 AM, Moritz Renftle
<rueckmeldung renftle net> wrote:
        i'm trying to create a custom signal for a
        file-selection-button, code
        is here:
        the problem:
        when the signal is emitted in the image_selection-method, it
        call the connected signal handler, if this handler is not
        within the
        same class. but if i connect the signal with a method in the
        same class,
        it works.
        is this a pygi-related bug or am i doing something wrong?
        thanks in advance,
        gtk-app-devel-list mailing list
        gtk-app-devel-list gnome org

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