gtk 2.24 on Windows

For a long time I've built the Windows version of my app against gtk 2.16 (and included the corresponding runtime in the app's installer). After hearing of progress with gtk 2.24 on Windows I thought I'd give that a try, so today I did a build using gtk 2.24.8 and friends from (updating both runtime and dev).

I then tried the new package on a Thinkpad T420s running Windows 7.
Ouch! The app was basically unusable due to horrible painting problems. The two most notable things, before I gave up, were:

1) On first accessing a menu on the app's main menu bar it worked fine, but on subsequent accesses the menu appeared totally blank: you pull down a flat gray rectangle. This was the case for all the main pull-down menus.

2) On opening a window containing a treeview, the treeview is blank. But if you move the mouse over the window this paints in the content, line by line.

Other sorts of window saw their contents appear and then disappear.

Any ideas what's going on here? (The gtk 2.16 build works fine on the same system.)

Allin Cottrell
Department of Economics
Wake Forest University

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