Trigger a fake event to do background action

Hi all.
I'm pretty new to GTK.
I'm writing a simple code and I load a XML file with the builder to create my GUI, then I'd like to do some background actions after loaded the builder and before the gtk_widget_show() and the gtk_main() calls.

Right now I put my code right before the two calls, but the fact is that in some part of this code I want to modify the GUI itself, but the gtk_main is not running yet, so I wonder if some strange things may happen... Actually, right now something is happening: this piece of code decide if two GtkEntry widgets are sensitive or not and I'm having a problem with one of them: the first one goes away if the code sets the sensitive property to false, the second doesn't and I don't understand why. The funny thing is that if I check for the sensitive property status at run-time I see that both the widgets have the property to false, but I see one of them.

So I thought that maybe my code could set some trigger to be executed after the gtk_main is called, but I don't have a clue on how to do that and neither if it's a good idea or if it will solve my problem...
Manuel Ferrero
R&D department

Reer SpA        
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