learning GtkLayout, drawing a widget on it.

Hello list,

It may be a basic and common question, but i dare to ask...

I began to write a custom widget, subclassing GtkDrawingArea, and
i am not familiar enough to gtk to draw this widget on a GtkLayout.

I would not like to use a canvas library, since i would like to learn pure gtk and make a simple test for the moment.

My widget responds to the 'draw' event  (GtkWidget) and actually draws
in a GtkWindow. But when i try tu use it in a GtkLayout with the gtk_layout_put(layout, custom_widget, x, y) nothing happens.

The (currently basic) widget does a gtk_widget_set_size_request(..)
at init time and draws using cairo according to its allocation area.

Unfortunately, the draw method is not called...

Can some of you point me to a simple link where i could learn more about GtkLayout ?

- Ben

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