Re: problems understanding gtk3/gdk/cairo interaction

Hi John,

Thanks for your thoughts as always. I think there may be some significant differences between gtk2 and gtk3 on these points, although this guess is based almost exclusively on reading documentation at this point as opposed to actual experience, of which I have about zero. Given the magnitude of the project in front of me I have decided to start right in on gtk3 and save myself yet another porting job, so I'm not paying much attention to gtk2.

I have noticed, however, that there seems to be a lot less mention of expose event processing in gtk3 vs. gtk2, they seem to be trying to abstract further and further away from X11, or at least that's my highly uninformed guess. That seems to be particularly true with regard to the implementation of the GtkDrawingArea. In gtk2 it appears that you register an expose_event handler, and when that's called you are passed a GdkEventExpose which contains a GdkRectangle and a GdkRegion, i.e., you get some clues as to the extent of the exposed region. In gtk3 it's quite different -- there is no expose_event handler, rather you get only a draw handler whose only argument of interest is a cairo_t context pointer. My reading of the documentation does not lead me to believe there is any way to actually figure out the extent of the expose rectangle from this argument, although there are comments in the documentation that indicate that GDK somehow clips all drawing to the exposed area inside this draw handler. I suppose what I need to do here is figure out my own damage extent and mail off a gtk_widget_queue_draw_area(), then call the cairo equivalent of XCopyRectangle() using the entire off-screen cairo surface as my source rectangle and hope for the best in terms of clipping efficiency.

I need to do some experimentation here and just see what happens, of course, but I have to say that I'm more than faintly horrified by this -- I expect that some things I do with regard to rubberband lines which potentially stretch diagonally between opposite corners of the window are going to have absolutely ghastly performance because I need, for every single MotionNotify event emitted by a user's mouse drag (or maybe not quite that much if I use the motion hints feature), to redraw an entire megapixel of imagery via one large exposure rectangle or build a very large list of tiny exposure rectangles spanning such a corner-to-corner line which I somehow calculate myself, which strikes me as a non-trivial task from a programming standpoint. Ahh, the joys of discovery.

Thanks for your suggestions!


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