Cell rendering issue

Hi GTK-experts,

currently I work on a small location finder application (http://www.bolles-werk.org/software-projects/quoloco.html). Basically the application shall allow users to search for arbitrary keywords. The results are displayed both in a map (a champlain view) and in a tree view (GtkTreeView). For the latter one I have to solve a problem: The tree shall consist of "search nodes" on the top level and "location nodes" as their children. Both node types have different data associated to them. The search node has to display the keywords of the search whereas the location nodes shall display a checkbox (to toggle their visibility in the map) as well as latitude and longitude. So the tree view has four columns ("key words", "visible", "latitude", "longitude") in total. For search nodes the last three columns shall be empty, for location nodes the first column. Is it somehow possible to implement that? In the documentation I only find ways (using the cell data function) to have control over the properties of the column's renderers. However I actually would like to be able to set the renderer per cell (depending on the node type) instead of per column. Of course there would be the alternative to implement my own custom renderer - but at the moment I would like to avoid this effort. Any ideas?

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