Re: Application path

While it's not really a solve-all, you can use
g_win32_get_package_installation_directory_of_module(NULL) on Windows
to get the application's install path (Which can sometimes be not fully
what you need if you have a path like: "C:\Program Files\my_app\bin",
which would give "C:\Program Files\my_app"

There's also g_find_program_in_path(), but, as far as I know, there's
no functionality yet implemented in GLib to grab the full path that was

On Wed, 12 Jan 2011 13:13:18 +0000
John Emmas <johne53 tiscali co uk> wrote:

Browsing through glib/gutils.c this morning, I noticed a function
called g_get_application_name() which will return the application's
name (e.g. "my_app" on Linux, or "my_app.exe" on Windows).  Is there
any similar function that would tell me the full path to the
application - e.g. "/usr/bin/my_app/my_app" under Linux, or "C:
\Program Files\my_app\my_app.exe" under Windows?

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