Re: GLIB for a webserver

Em 13/12/2011 10:05, <jcupitt gmail com> escreveu:
That's not the problem, I think. All modern systems will let you
allocate at least ~1.5 gb before refusing malloc, no matter how much
memory you have or what other processes are doing. The trick is
keeping the working set of the processes within physical memory and
achieving that needs programs with some way to constrain their memuse.

Well, this is something I can do without uch effort, I guess. Still not
sure if it is enough, but for sure will implement.

server could is something I would like to avoid at all costs, because
outside problems may be temporary. For instance, malloc could fail
other server running on the same machine is processing 1 million
transactions. After they are processed, the resources are already

I don't think that can happen on any current system. malloc() won't
fail (until you hit the per-process limit of >1.5gb), your machine
will just start swapping horribly. Actually perhaps some versions of
linux will start refusing malloc() as a way to try to escape from swap
death? But that's very extreme behaviour and certainly won't happen in
any normal circumstances.

I saw a linux a process once because the machine load average was too high.
In fact, I was thinking here if it pays the way to worry to much with this
situation, as it is something that should happen ever. The system
administrators should be able to deal with this situation.

I will implement what is easier to do now, without considering this
extremes. If someone starts to use the program and report this problem, I
try to find a way to solve it.

Thanks for the comments.


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