Re: Why cani i initialize "prefix" with a default string?

On Fri, Dec 09, 2011 at 05:40:09PM -0800, Gary Kline wrote:
      guys, i am appending a piece of gtk test code.  it saves the
      internal filename buffer for "espeak -f %s ifbuf" to run
      on--to be the user's voice.  if i set 

      static char *prefix = "talk"; 

      then back up and enter another string in the box at the
      bottom, strange things happen.  Anybody know where i am
      messing up?

Strange things most likely occur after attempting to free the const
string in entry_changed_cb()


which was fine if prefix was NULL initially.  You can use -Wwrite-strings
to catch that.  Unforutnately, passing constant strings as various
user-data-kind arguments or to g_hash_table_insets() then produces
warnings too.

Also learn to use valgrind; it would show you this problem immediately.


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