Re: mutex doubt


On 6 December 2011 18:14, Tristan Van Berkom <tvb gnome org> wrote:
Or, can glib programs which don't make use of GObject use
threads at all ?


Must _those_ programs still call g_thread_init()
before using threads ?

before GLib 2.31, yes; after, no.

It seems that the pthread library itself requires at least that pthread_init()
be called once before using threads, is it called implicitly by every
function that might require threads ? (like g_mutex_init() ?)

threading support is always initialized, in GLib 2.31.

Speaking of which, I just stumbled on some really odd documentation
for g_mutex_init(), it says there:

 "It is not necessary to initialize a mutex that has been created
that has been statically allocated."

Anyone care to mention what that means ? Mustn't a mutex at least be
zero initialized if
declared on the stack ? i.e. GMutex my_mutex = { 0, }; ?

if it's in static storage, i.e. it has been declared as:

  static GMutex my_mutex;

then no, you don't need to initialize it, as the C spec defines that
the static storage has to be zero-initialized.

if it's been placed inside a struct or union, then yes: you need to
explicitly initialize it using g_mutex_init().



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