Re: Compile time GTK+ 3 version check

2011/4/24 David NeÄas <yeti physics muni cz>

On Sun, Apr 24, 2011 at 11:11:58AM +0900, Tristan Van Berkom wrote:
Anyway, with a good VCS you should be able to easily maintain an old
branch of your project and easily backport the fixes which apply from
your new
GTK+3 branch back into the old source base (and avoid the whole #ifdef
easily enough).

This might be convenient for the developer but this convenience is
achieved by distributing the burden to users that will have to decide
which version to download â an this will be unclear to many.


You can do a shellscript, check which version and run the proper excutable.
This requires to always ship both versions but will work pretty much out.
Another option is to put in one binary file which has a runtime switch to
jump to one or another code section (I am not very familiar with this and
may be not that much fun at all).



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