Getting native colors in GTK/GDK?

So I want to match my GTK app's custom widgets to the current theme in both Linux and Windows.

I grepped the source code and there is no mention of GetSysColor, and certainly GTK ignores the current 
window colors on win32 (at least for me). It just uses a default grey for window backgrounds etc. I tested it 
using a GTK "hello world" build.

On Linux is there a way to make GTK read the current theme's colors in and access them?

Getting a GtkStyle and looking at the values in fg, bg and so on revealed that they have no theme colors 
whatsoever (I could however get the current system font which is useful). I assume somewhere there is a 
library to do this, maybe something from Gnome? I don't really care about the windows side of things, because 
it's easy enough to wrap GetSysColor but on Linux I don't know where to start.

Matthew Allen

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