GtkSocket in GtkNotebook

Hi everyone!

I am currently developing an application where I have one component that is basically a GtkNotebook, where 
every page contains a GtkSocket as the widget.

On creating many pages, at some point something starts terribly misbehaving:
The newly created GtkSocket steadily gets plug-added and plug-removed signals (alternating), with seemingly 
random memory addresses (curiously, they are
normally 110 bytes appart) as child widgets (all valid GdkWindows though).

I extracted the problematic code to a simple example program:
Compile with: "g++ gtknotebook-gtksocket_bug.cpp `pkg-config --cflags --libs gtk+-2.0` -o 

I am completely baffled by this behaviour, no idea what is going on.

All help is greatly appreciated.

Prof. MAAD

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