Re: newbie question about g_object unref()

As it only takes a pointer, and not a pointer to a pointer (&ptr), there's no way for g_object_unref to set 
the original pointer variable to NULL, you'd have to nullify it yourself, either through g_pointer_nullify or 
just ptr = NULL. If you want you can wrap the two in a macro, but as far as I know, glib doesn't include 
anything of the sort:

        g_object_unref(ptr); \
        (ptr) = NULL; \

On Thu, 18 Nov 2010 22:11:45 +0000
N James Bridge <james xmas demon co uk> wrote:

It seems that g_object_unref (ptr) doesn't set ptr to NULL when it frees
the allocated memory. Have I got something wrong here? Do I have to do
it explicitly?

Thanks, James Bridge
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