Re: bug in Cairo or Gtk - peculiar behaviour on resizing or exposing window

On Sun, 2010-11-14 at 11:17 +0000, James Morris wrote:
On 13 November 2010 22:18, N James Bridge <james xmas demon co uk> wrote:
I am hoping someone will have the time to look at this. I have been
developing a gtk/cairo program to draw views of the Mandelbrot set. ...
I am using gtk2-2.22.0-1.fc14.1.x86_64, cairo-1.10.0-2.fc14.x86_64 and

So, first: have I done something wrong (probably in draw_iter())?

I can't see anything wrong exactly. I tried explicitly initializing z
in draw_iter with z.x = cc.x; z.y = cc.y, and used
gtk_widget_queue_draw instead of gdk_window_invalidate_rect but both
of these made no difference. I also added some printf statements to
check what's happening. For the values of cc, the code never returns
in the first for loop, and the values of z.x and z.y after both loops
never changes other than when cc does. In other words, the drawing may
change, but z.x and z.y after both loops does not. The next thing I'd
try would be to run it through valgrind but I need to reboot to do
that as valgrind is unusable on my current system.


Thanks for input. I assume you did see the same error in drawing - some
areas inside the drawing come out solid black?

I will have to look up valgrind. All of this is a big learning exercise!


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