Setting the font for Gtk::Button

Using gtkmm, I've written a small test app whose GUI contains three widgets.

The first is a Gtk::Button, the second is a Gtk::FontButton and the third

is a Gtk::ProgressBar. The font button itself has the style 'set_use_font()'

(i.e. it always displays its button text in whatever font I select).  But I

want the other two widgets to use the selected font also - so I wrote this

little function to capture the "font_set" signal and update the other

widgets, like so:-


void MainWindow::on_font_changed ()


PangoFontDescription* pfd;

Pango::FontDescription* new_font;


    // When the font button is used to select a new font, update the

    // other widgets (the font button updates itself automatically).

    Glib::ustring fname = m_pFontButton->get_font_name();


    if (pfd = pango_font_description_from_string (fname.c_str()))


        if (new_font = new Pango::FontDescription (pfd, true))


            m_pProgress->modify_font (*new_font); // This succeeds

            m_pButton->modify_font (*new_font); // This doesn't !


            delete new_font;





You can probably see that the progress bar's font gets successfully changed,

whereas the button's font doesn't (not even if I move the main window, or

drag something else across it to force a re-draw).  I've tried building this

app under Linux (using gcc and gtk-x11) and I've also built it for Windows

(using MSVC++ and gtk-win32).  I get the same result in both cases so I'm

guessing that I must have missed out a stage that's needed to update the



Should I have called something else that would force the button to use the

new font?



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