Re: resource file styles ignored in gtk 2.19.5 and 2.19.7

On 03/11/2010 02:39 PM, John Stebbins wrote:
This worked previously in gtk 2.18.  I'm testing my code on the alpha
releases of ubuntu 10.04 and fedora 13 which have gtk 2.19.5 and 2.19.7
respectively. Am I doing something incorrect?  Has this functionality
been changed in some way?

const gchar *hud_rcstyle =
"style \"ghb-hud\" {\n"
"widget \"preview_window.*.preview_hud.*\" style \"ghb-hud\"\n";



NM, found the problem.  This is yet another glitch caused by the change
in GtkBuilder from storing object id's in the widget name to storing the
id's in a separate property.  Since the widget name wasn't set, the
style could not be applied.

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