Client Side windows in GDK (

       I am using webkitgtk+ port on DirectFB. When I upgraded to
gtk+2.18.3, 2.18.7 versions on DirectFB-1.2.9, gtk+ test application is
getting aborted. While gtk_init() is called _gdk_window_new is getting
called (root window and creating dfb implementation window), and in the same
function (gdk_window_new) application is getting aborted at

else if (native)
      event_mask = get_native_event_mask (private);

      /* Create the impl */
       _gdk_window_impl_new (window, real_parent, screen, visual,
event_mask, attributes, attributes_mask);
       private->impl_window = private;

       /* This will put the native window topmost in the native parent,
which may
       * be wrong wrt other native windows in the non-native hierarchy, so
restack */
      if (!_gdk_window_has_impl (real_parent)){
         sync_native_window_stack_position (window);  ---> *control goes
into this function* which will call below specified functions.

static GdkWindowObject *
find_native_sibling_above (GdkWindowObject *parent,
                           GdkWindowObject *child)
    and this will call below function

static GdkWindowObject *
find_native_sibling_above_helper (GdkWindowObject *parent,
                                  GdkWindowObject *child)

It is failing aborting with the following message

Caught signal 11 (at 0x28, invalid address) <--
 (!!!)  *** WARNING [still objects in 'Window Pool'] *** [object.c:241 in
 (!!!)  *** WARNING [still objects in 'Layer Region Pool'] *** [object.c:241
in fusion_object_pool_destroy()]
 (!!!)  *** WARNING [still objects in 'Layer Context Pool'] ***
[object.c:241 in fusion_object_pool_destroy()]
 (!!!)  *** WARNING [still objects in 'Surface Pool'] *** [object.c:241 in

In this case there is no SIGSEGV signal sent to test application. Only
SIGABRT was sent to test application.

But with the older gtk version i.e. 2.16.1 every thing works fine. But since
webkit changes gtk+ should also be updated to newer version.

Could some one help me on this how to proceed further?

Thanks & Regards

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