Custom content in GtkMenus?

I'm trying to put custom content in GtkMenus... things like menu items, date picker controls, lists and so 
on. These are all custom widgets that I can't rewrite (easily). It seems that GtkMenus are very limited in 
what they can display, just GtkMenuItems right? If I wrap my controls in GtkMenuItems it looks pretty weird, 
the item has all this padding around it. If I try and attach the custom control directly to the GtkMenu it 
doesn't recognise it at all. Fair enuf... I guess. Although it'd be nice if it just wrapped whatever you 
stick in it.

I also tried wrapping my controls in GtkWindows which was quite frustrating. If I choose GTK_WINDOW_TOPLEVEL 
I can give the child controls the focus (which is good), and detect when the control loses focus so I can 
close the window. That works fine when I launch it from another GTK_WINDOW_TOPLEVEL, but if I launch it from 
a GtkDialog thats a transient for a GtkWindow the window doesn't appear, doesn't get focus. If I make it a 
transient for the GtkDialog, then it doesn't process it's events and things just hang up and go nowhere. If I 
use GTK_WINDOW_POPUP then I can't give the controls focus (bad!) and I can't detect when the user clicks away 
from the control (so I can't close it at the right moment).

I would just use GtkMenu + GtkMenuItems, but for things like a date picker that doesn't work. Maybe one of 
you could point me in the right direction?

Matthew Allen

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