Catching client events

I'm trying to catch a client event on a GtkWindow.

        static gboolean MyClientEvent(GtkWidget *widget, GdkEventClient *ev, MyWnd *Wnd)
                // breakpoint here...
                return TRUE;

        GtkWidget *Wnd = gtk_window_new(GTK_WINDOW_TOPLEVEL);
        g_signal_connect(       G_OBJECT(Wnd),
        gtk_widget_add_events(Wnd, GDK_ALL_EVENTS_MASK);

Sending code:

        GtkWidget *Wnd;
        GdkNativeWindow Hnd =
        #ifdef WIN32
        GdkEvent *Event = gdk_event_new(GDK_CLIENT_EVENT);
        // fill out Event params
        gdk_event_send_client_message(Event, Hnd);

This is on windows at the moment and I see the client message get sent using Spy++, but nothing at the 
receiving end catches it. Both sender and receiver are in the same application.

What am I missing here?
Matthew Allen

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