Re: gtk_button_new_from_stock () does not find icons.

Le 04/06/2010 21:33, N James Bridge a Ãcrit :
I don't know if this is a fedora problem or a gtk one...

I have been writing some short gtk programs, as a learning exercise. So
far as I can see, I should be able to add items from stock, but the
images are missing and all I get are the default items as mnemonics. I
have attached a short example. It compiles with:
gcc  stock.c `pkg-config --cflags gtk+-2.0 --libs gtk+-2.0`

It seems that gtk can't find the directory with the images. The files
needed seem to be in /usr/share/icons/gnome and show up in the gtk-demo
program. However, Glade buttons selected from stock do not have the
icons either.

Any suggestions most welcome!

Isn't this simply your GTK settings that choose not to show icons in
menus/buttons? It's the GNOME 2.28 default not to display them IIRC.


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