Re: Dynamic change of language(local languages like german, chinese, french....) in Gtk

Am 25.01.2010 16:46, schrieb harshavardhanreddy mandeepala:

I think this question might have discussed but i couldn't find any
satisfying answers.

While searching in net i found useful info how to provide
english,french,german,chinese...) support using Gtk.

But All is well and all works fine if i reboot my app or system.

But in a real world situation like mobile phones,user want to see the
language change dynamically(without rebooting/restart).

Is there any way to do that? In Qt I think they will connect the widget to
Changeevent and will see if the event is Languagechangeevent then settext
the label of widget.

If any elegant way is there in Gtk to do this kindly suggest me.

There isn't really. Basically gtk does not know wheter the ui is translated or
not. E:g. one calls
gtk_label_set_text(label,_("translated text"));
gtk_label_set_text(label,"untranslated text");
for gtk it is just text. To change that we would need a lot of new api, like
gtk_label_set_i18n_text(domain,N_("translated text"));
so that gtk+ could catch changes to the locale and update the UI.

No idea if we could do some black magic for UIs that use gtkbuilder. Something
that allows apps to catch the locale change and systematically set all texts again.



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