multithreaded gtk app

Hi everybody,

I'm having troubles debugging a multithreaded gtk app I made.
The app creates an animation in the main window by continuously
displaying a scrolled pixmap and uses its GUI to modify animation
parameters. The animated zone in the main window is updated by
g_timeout_add_full(..., handler, ...) and the timeout handler uses
gdk_draw_drawable() to draw on a gdk drawing area in the main

The animation works fine but the app always crashes after opening a few
other windows (using the GUI) and I get either a segfault or this pthread error:
 Assertion 'pthread_setspecific(t->key, userdata) == 0' failed at
 pulsecore/thread-posix.c:200, function pa_tls_set(). Aborting.

Basically, the app looks like this:

gint handler()
   if (...) {
       /* display a different part of the pixmap  each time */
       gdk_draw_drawable(drawing_area, pixmap, parameters);
       return TRUE;
   else {
      < create a new pixmap>
       g_timeout_add_full(..., delay, handler, ...);
       return FALSE;

int main(...)
   if (!g_thread_supported())
   gtk_init(&argc, &argv);
   g_timeout_add_full(..., delay, handler, ...);
   return 0;

To compile, I also have added these flags:
-g -D G_ERRORCHECK_MUTEXES `pkg-config --libs gtk+-2.0 gthread-2.0`

Did I made something wrong with gdk threads, or do I miss something or...?
Then the extra problem is I don't know much about multithread app debugging
(and I've already been searching the f****** web a lot!)

Any clue will be welcome because I'm a really stuck at the moment.
Thanks in advance.

Emmanuel Thomas-Maurin

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