gtk_builder_add_from_file error handling

Sorry last message was sent by accident pushing an hotkey while editing...

This should be the complete version of my question:

I just found that with a builder file with a syntax error my app crashed

*** glibc detected *** ./packager: double free or corruption (out):
0x09aa33d0 ***

I think I'm using gtkbuilder error handling in the right way and
documentation does not suggest my how to use it:

GError *err = NULL;
if (!gtk_builder_add_from_file(builder_, "myfile.xml", &err)) {
   if (err) {
      cerr << "builder load fail: " << err->message << '\n';
      g_free(err); // commenting this solves the crash but other gtk apis
                      // and examples I've found always free error handling
      cerr << "builder load fail, unknown error\n";

   return false;


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