Re: GDK-Pixbuf question, creating and reading private data-chunk for png

On Fri, Dec 03, 2010 at 08:35:22AM +0100, Arne Pagel wrote:
I am using gdk_pixbuf_save to store a gdk_drawable into a PNG File.

Now I want to add a private data-chunk to PNG to store some additional Information.

Is it possible to add a private data-chunk with GDK functions?

You can add custom data using text chunks, pass "tEXT::somekey" as the
option name and the value in text form as the value.  This is often
sufficient for simple auxiliary data.

If not, what do you think would be the best way to create this file?

Using libpng with png_set_unknown_chunks() ?


Is there any examplke of how I get GDK-IMAGE-DATA to libpng?

Definitely, but I can't offer any particularly clear one.  But
generally, GdkPixbuf stores data as R, G, B (,A) bytes that corresponds
so you just have to set the PNG row pointers to the pixbuf rows.


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