Re: Default values for spin buttons in Glade

Il giorno Sat, 24 Apr 2010 06:26:03 +0000
dfg dfg <abxccd msn com> ha scritto:

Can someone tell me how to set up a default value for a spin button in Glade?

The adjustment generated by glade has the following properties:

<property name="value">...</property>
<property name="lower">...</property>
<property name="upper">...</property>

I manually moved the "value" property *after* the limits and the
default values started to work. This has the huge drawback you
cannot use glade3 anymore.

By using GtkAdjustment you'll probably meet also the issue
#575714 [0], present in old versions of GtkBuilder such as
the one shipped with gtk-2.16.6 (the windows stable gtk).



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