Re: Pango problems

On 10/15/2009 05:22 PM, Geoff Johnson wrote:
Out of no where my program decided to start having problems with Pango
rendering. The GUI now shows text as the standard no character boxes and all
of the icons that were there have been replaced by the red x file icon.

When I run the program I get a lot of errors like:
This is definitely a problem with your linker or installation.  Has nothing to 
do with Pango or GTK+ AFAICS.


(xpath_test:11200): Gtk-WARNING **: Error loading theme icon
'gtk-media-record' for stock: Unable to load image-loading module:
/usr/lib/gtk-2.0/2.10.0/loaders/ ELF load command
alignment not page-aligned

(xpath_test:11200): Pango-WARNING **:
/usr/lib/pango/1.6.0/modules/ ELF load command alignment
not page-aligned


All of the code used was pretty much cut and pasted from another application
that still displays fonts and icons correctly so I'm not sure what happened
to this one. I can provide source code if anyone requires it.

Build system
Linux 2.6.24-24-generic #1 SMP Fri Sep 18 16:49:39 UTC 2009 i686 GNU/Linux
GLib: 2.16.6
GTK+: 2.12.9
GCC: 4.2.4
Pango: 1.20.5

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