Re: Creating an aggregating GtkContainer

Tristan Van Berkom wrote:
On Wed, Nov 18, 2009 at 5:40 PM, Per Hermansson
<hermansson per bredband net> wrote:
Thanks, this is actually an requirement for me (which I forgot to mention)
the widgets
are created at runtime, after containers are realized (when a new printer is
but the subcontainers are placed by glade (before the window is realized).

Is there a way to after the containers (but before widgets) are realized
detect if a widget
will overflow a container?

Maybe a simple answer to your question is, since usually the base
size request for your interface is going to depend on system preferences,
such as if buttons will display icons, or the fonts used in labels and the
default sizes that they are using, it is impossible to guess exactly the
size of a widget before actually mapping it and going through the size-request

You might consider using a scrolled window that may not appear in most cases,
but will allow for some level of overflow tolerance in your dynamic UI.


Thanks, maybe I'm asking for the impossible :)
Say I use a scroll window for the different subcontainers to allow some overflow. Would it be possible to listen for signals on the containers and when the widgets have gotten their size
allocated move them if the scrollbars became visible as a result of this.
The user will then probably experience some flicker as containers are repainted and widgets moved.
Would this be reasonable/possible to implement?


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