Re: Control what happens when GtkTextView is resized: keep the bottom part visible

Todor Todorov wrote:
Well, since resizing the widget by itself does not do any scrolling, 
whichever value you get from the adjustment _is_ the current scroll 
value. In the same way you have the function *_get_upper(), you have 
*_get_lower() and *_get_value()... Just change the computation however 
you need it to be. Did you even looked up the functions I used in the 
API docs? You would have seen the rest....
You're right, I was wrong about the requirements.

I've come to the conclusion that what is necessary is to keep the value
(upper - (value + page_size)) constant when resizing happens. This value
represents the size of the part of the scrollable widget (a GtkTextView
in this case) that remains below the currently displayed portion. That
means adjusting the value (which as you said by default is not changed).

Well, upper never changes when resizing a widget, so it's only necessary
to keep (value + page_size) constant. But page_size _does_ change when
resizing happens, so a question very similar to my previous one still
holds: is there a way to know the value that the adjustment's page_size
had before the resize operation, to compare with the new value caused by
the resizing, so that the calculations can be done?

I've been able to solve it by storing page_size in a variable at the end
of the function and reusing it in the next call, but this is far from
elegant. Is there some better way?

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