Re: Regarding newer version of GTK php software

bhagyashri wrote:
I have used your GTK+ version for desktop application of PHP. Here you are
using PHP version 5.1.4.Is there any provision to do serial communication in
GTK+ with PHP 5.1.4?

I have dll file for serial communication but it is working on PHP 5.2.0 or

So please help me in this matter.

This question does not have much to do with GTK itself, so you won't
find any answers on this list.  You'll have to ask this question of the
PHP folks on one of the PHP lists.  But if you do find information on
PHP and serial communications maybe the PHP-GTK community can help you
integrate them.

My guess, though, is that you're unlikely to find anything useful

PHP is simply the wrong language for this kind of stuff.  PHP is
intended for generating HTML web pages and as such has no intrinsic
low-level stuff, except what is hacked in crudely through extensions,
such as your DLL.

Python or Perl would be much more appropriate choices for a GTK
application that needs serial port access.

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