Re: Detecting whether a widget is displayed.

On Thu, Nov 05, 2009 at 04:31:27PM +0200, Lars Wirzenius <liw liw fi> was heard to say:
On Thu, 2009-11-05 at 06:28 -0800, Daniel Burrows wrote:
  I'm trying to write a custom widget (in GTK--) that would benefit
from knowing whether it's currently visible or not.

Do the map-event and unmap-event signals on GtkWidget do what you need?

  I tried them earlier -- it didn't seem like my object was ever
receiving the map or unmap events, though.  I can take another look;
maybe my test was wrong.

  One other thing that occurred to me since I wrote that first mail is
that maybe I need to wrap an event box around the image.  Do
map/unmap/visibility-notify events work on images at all?


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