Re: missing entry point cairo_ft_font_face_create_for_pattern

I'm getting the following error when starting my application, "The procedure
entry point cairo_ft_font_face_create_for_pattern could not be located in
the dynamic link library libcairo-2.dll"
Doing an nm on all the dll's shows that the symbol only shows up in

nm is in general the wrong tool to use for DLLs. What you are
interested in is what symbols are exported from or imported into a
DLL. That is what the error message above refers to. What nm is
displaying, I think, are debugging symbols which are entirely optional
and can be stripped from the DLL with no effect on its behaviour
(except that it makes debugging harder, of course).

Use objdump -p and look for the import and export tables, which are
what actually direct how a DLL interacts with executables that load it
and with any other DLLs that it in turn depends on.

Your problem seems to be that you have a libpangocairo DLL that is
built with the fontconfig(+freetype)-based pango backend (i.e. a
libpangocairo as typically used on X11), while your libcairo DLL does
not have the freetype font backend (but presumably just the win32 one,
which is all that gtk+ and pango normally need on Windows). Some
serious confusion is going on...


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