Re: Continuous variable updation in a text box

2009/3/10 Adeel Malik <adeelmalik78 yahoo com>:
I intend to monitor the variable's value (acquired via data acquisition hardware) at a rate of around 1,000 
times per second.
I haven't used textboxes before in GTK+. Could anyone suggest how to update the value of a variable in a 
textbox etc., at this rate.

You'll burn up all of your CPU and you probably still won't reach
1,000 updates a second. No one can read numbers that quickly, and your
display will only update at (maybe) 60 frames a second anyway.

I would suggest updating at 10 frames per second (quite fast enough
for any human) and showing the average of the last 100 measurements.
You could add a second and third label showing the minimum and maximum
values in the last 5 seconds if you're keen not to miss any peaks.

I would have a background thread to do the data capture and analysis,
then have this thread signal the GUI to update 10 times a second.

For example: gnome org/msg09058.html


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