re: gtk & gis

 Date: Thu, 11 Jun 2009 15:36:31 +0200
From: Andrea Zagli <azagli inwind it>
Subject: gtk & gis
To: gtk-app <gtk-app-devel-list gnome org>
Message-ID: <20090611153631 146644e2qf6bkklc saetta homelinux org>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8; DelSp="Yes"; format="flowed"

do you know some widget that can display maps (from shp or postgis) and also allows very simple editing?

on google i found only (old) widgets without editing

thanks in advance

I have helped a client make their own library. It uses cairo for all the output (not just for gtk). Cairo really is the magic that makes all the vectors and alpha blending so darn awesome. Some libraries that are excellent you can look into for building blocks are:

-proj4 (cartographic projection) (everything uses this behind the scenes, but no one mentions it)
-shapelib (most gis data is in or can be in shape files)
-netcdf (things like weather radar overlays)
-imagemagick (work with other non-png image formats for just cairo outside of gtk)
-libcurl w/ glib bindings or libsoup for http data

some other sources of data:
-yahoo maps is kinda hackable and is ok for internal use (google maps wants you to only use it for externally reachable sites)

more usa specific:

for academia (and through other pay sites):
- (live scientific data of several kinds)

All this is 2D, but it suites our needs very well. There is of course the project which has many links and information for this area.

I'm still looking for a simple open source library for some basic astronomical features like where the sunlight is, etc.

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