RCStyle pixmap_path in window


how has the rcstyle pixmap_path to be defined on Windows?

I already found out, that the backslashes have to be escaped, like in

  C:\\Program Files\\MyApplication\gtk\\pixmaps

(this is an example of the resulting string, which has to be adopted to
the syntax of your programming language)

But how to handle device letters? pixmap_path is defined to be a list of
paths separated by colon (:). So the string above will be split into two

Keywords: gtk, rcstyle, pixmap_path, windows

Schönen Gruß - Regards
Hartmut Goebel
Dipl.-Informatiker (univ.), CISSP, CSSLP

Goebel Consult
Spezialist für IT-Sicherheit in komplexen Umgebungen

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