Re: Bringing a GtkWindow to the current desktop with libwnck

2009/7/3 Jim George <jimgeorge gmail com>

Hi all,
I'm writing a program that needs to be "single-instance". The program
will only run on gnome desktop machines. I'm using dbus to ensure
this, by having the program try a dbus rpc each time it starts. If
there's a running instance, it responds to the rpc by calling
gtk_window_present on the main window. However, if the user switches
desktops and tries to run another instance, gtk_window_present will
only cause the window to appear on the previous desktop, not the
current one.

I tried to get around this using libwnck. I call
wnck_window_get(GDK_WINDOW_XID(main_window->window)), but the
WnckWindow returned is always NULL. The X window ID "seems" to make
sense (it's a large integer), so what am I doing wrong?

You could use Libunique for that purpose.


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