Re: RE : drawing and erasing text

Hmm, do you know that the gdk_font_* and gdk_draw_string() APIs are
deprecated and de facto unmaintained? Whether some aspect of it works
fully or not on Windows is hardly interesting at this point.

When I run your program both in Linux and Windows, the CbExpose
callback is called repeatedly over and over. Does that happen for you,
too? I wonder why that happens.

By the way, the XLFD you pass to gdk_font_load_for_display,
"-adobe-helvetica-medium-r-normal--10-100-75-75-p-56-iso8859-1" is way
too specific and probably works only on the distro and combination of
package versions you happen to be using. No matching font was found on
openSUSE 11.1, for instance. (Instead, I just used
"-*-fixed-medium-r-normal--*-100-*-*-c-*-iso8859-1")  (But as I said,
using the XLFD-based font API is deprecated anyway.)

You call  setlocale(LC_ALL, "fr"). Note that the setlocale() function
in the Microsoft C library used on Windows in general does not accept
locale names in the form commonly used on Unixes, using ISO639
language codes and ISO3166 country codes. But just out of luck, for
"fr" it happens to work apparently, but not in general for locale
codes like "fr_CA", "sv" or "de" for instance.


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