Re: Inherited Function Key Behavior

Googling for "gtk f10" turns up this:

Basically, this should do the trick:

GtkSettings *gtk_settings;
gtk_settings = gtk_settings_get_for_screen(gdk_screen_get_default());
g_object_set(gtk_settings, "gtk-menu-bar-accel", NULL, NULL);

What that does is set the gtk-menu-bar-accel property (the keybinding
for the menubar) to NULL, which keeps it from triggering.

Alternatively, you should be able to set it to F9 for example via
g_object_set(gtk_settings, "gtk-menu-bar-accel", "F9", NULL);

<larry yrral net>

On Sat, 2009-02-07 at 16:05 -0500, dhk wrote:
My GTK program seems to have inherited some function keys from
somewhere.  When I press F10 the menu in the menu bar opens and when I
press F10 again it goes away.  The same behavior happens in the
gnome-terminal.  When I press F10 my key press event isn't even called,
but F9 and others work.  Does anyone know what causes this and how to
override it?


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