Re: GtkGLExt (was Re: Gtk 3.0)

Emmanuele Bassi wrote:
On Fri, 2009-12-04 at 20:51 +0000, Carlos Pereira wrote:
Hi Emmanuele,
I'm really not working on it - mainly for three reasons: 1) if you want to
use GL, GtkGlExt is "good enough" and integrating it into gtk+ it's not a
good idea;
1) If you think GtkGlExt should not be integrated with GTK+ that's fine for me.
2) GtkGlExt is good enough for GTK-2.0, I never had a single problem with GTKGLExt.

3) However GtkGlExt is not GTK-3.0 ready, because it cannot be compiled with SEAL_ENABLE and 
I guess that you'll have to patch GtkGLExt, and submit patches for
integration upstream.
We're interested.

We're currently planning what might go into the next GtkGLExt release. We probably need to have a discussion about whether there should be another release targeting Gtk+ 2.x.
I'll open this up on the gtkglext-list shortly.

4) Scientific/engineering applications often use OpenGL, which is a well established, well documented, 
industry-standard with a large, vibrant community, as these foruns clearly show:
I never said that raw OperGL is not used, or not useful; I just contend
that being able to  drop into GL directly is a niche usage - and it's
not getting any more mainstream.
It is a common requirement for apps that want to do 3D rendering with a 
cross-platform codebase.  Biting off Clutter and its dependency chain is 
not something developers of such an app are likely to want to incur; and 
Clutter probably won't provide adequate functionality in a lot of cases.
people flee from OpenGL in disgust, and it's just OpenGL 3.x that's
making some progress towards fixing the insane API that it exposes -
unfortunately, no GL implementation provides the 3.x API yet.
For a lot of people using OpenGL (or various engines/wrappers like 
OpenSceneGraph and OGRE), there's no practical alternative to flee to.
the most people care about, as I said, is being able to accelerate
drawing primitives and blending modes and hand them over to the GPU;
mostly, for 2D-inside-3D environments -- see Clutter, cairo-gl and
The volume of code currently using Clutter, cairo-gl, and cairo-drm 
would be dwarfed by that using OpenGL directly.
I think your use of the term "niche" is a little unusual.

even if (and I'm saying *if*) GTK+ provided GL integration for
GdkWindows it would basically boil down to two functions:

  void gdk_window_gl_begin (GdkWindow *window);
  void gdk_window_gl_end (GdkWindow *window);

plus a way to set up the GL context. that's mostly agreed upon, if you
read the bug that Javier linked in his email. that's not even close to
the API exposed by GtkGLExt.
This is certainly a conversation that I'm interested in having.  We're 
certainly aware that there's a good deal of chaff in the GtkGLExt API 
needs culling.  On the other hand, what you're describing isn't *that* 
far from the parts of GtkGLExt that people actually use.  (Well, 
currently the API has users make_current and then do the begin/end stuff 
at the GL level.)  But I'd like to get us a bit farther along in doing 
that paring down before discussing this in depth.
Braden McDaniel                      e-mail: <braden endoframe com>
<>               Jabber: <braden jabber org>

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